I’m going to push back and disagree about the team saying they expect big strides this season. Sure, some of the players have said that they want playoffs, but the FO and coaching staff haven’t issued any notices of playoff expectations. They’ve smartly dodged that because, I think, they know this team needs more time to develop. I also think they know that the future of this franchise will rest more with a Mathurin than Haliburton.

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All true, but I'm more focusing on the team in this instance, The 15 active players and the culture they are trying to develop. Mathurin is vital to any near-term success, but while his play is critical, he's not a leader. Tyrese will play that role.

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I hear you. Somewhat related, all the “culture” talk from the Pacers makes my eyes roll. Culture is a cheap buzzword for me. Winning is often a result of having very good players and a coaching staff that isn’t completely incompetent. I am perfectly okay if the Pacers miss the playin again this year and continue to stack lottery players. Teams are built on talent, not culture.

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Will Tyrese play that role though? That's the question for me. He's the most talented player, and playing at the lead guard position. But leadership can come from different parts, an emotional leader, an on the court leader, etc. Not a fan of his antics, but Draymond Green is often touted as the emotional leader of the Warriors. Perhaps it's not as clear cut as one leader? And if not, what type of role will Tyrese play?

That being said, I agree that the best player needs to be a role model in terms of dedication and work ethic.

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